viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010

What I wanna be when I grow up..

Aquí les dejo un artículo que me dejó con el ojo cuadradro!!
Como un chavito, con cosas relativamnete básicas pudo hacer una contribución tan importante.. es mi ídolo ;) LOL

It’s In the Bag! Teenager Wins Science Fair, Solves Massive Environmental Problem

We’ve all heard the plastic bag horror stories—the billions of bags discarded every year that wind up polluting oceans, killing wildlife and getting dumped in landfills where they take up to 1,000 years to decompose. Researchers have been wracking their brains for years to figure out a solution. But leave it to a Canadian high school student to leave them all in the dust. Daniel Burd, an 11th grader at Waterloo Collegiate Institute, has discovered a way to make plastic bags degrade in as little as three months—a finding that won him first prize at the Canada-Wide Science Fair, a $20,000 scholarship, and a chance to revolutionize a major environmental issue.

Burd’s strategy was simple: Since plastic does eventually degrade, it must be eaten by microorganisms. If those microorganisms, as well as the optimal conditions for their growth, could be identified, we could put them to work eating the plastic much faster than under normal conditions.

With this goal in mind, he ground plastic bags into a powder and concocted a solution of household chemicals, yeast and tap water to encourage microbe growth. Then he added the plastic powder and let the microbes work their magic for three months. Finally, he tested the resulting bacterial culture on plastic bags, exposing one plastic sample to dead bacteria as a control.

Sure enough, the plastic exposed to the live bacteria was 17 percent lighter than the control after six weeks. Once Burd examined the most effective strains of bacteria, he was able to isolate two types—Sphingomonas and Pseudomonas—as the plastic munchers. At 37 degrees and optimal bacterial concentration, the microbes had consumed 43 percent of a plastic sample within six weeks.

Next up, maybe it’s time to put him to work on this whole carbon emissions thing.

Lo saqué de aquí

sábado, 21 de agosto de 2010


Wan´t to hug them all!! :D

viernes, 20 de agosto de 2010

Hapiness in your hands

Definitivamente me haría muy feliz tener un librito de esos en mis manos, creo que fabricaré uno :D

viernes, 6 de agosto de 2010

Mi new favorite song

Ok, es oficial. Esta es la canción más linda y mas romanticamente triste que he escuchado en mucho, mucho tiempo. La escuché hace unos días y se me puso la piel chinita. Luego, busqué los lyrics y automaticamente se quedó en mis top 5 VIS (Very Important Songs-> LOL)


Aquí les dejo el video que esta bonito pero no le llega ni a los talones a la letra y al ritmo de la canción. También les dejo los lyrics..

The stars lean down to kiss you
And I lie awake and miss you
Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere

'Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly
But I'll miss your arms around me
I'd send a postcard to you, dear
'Cause I wish you were here

I'll watch the night turn light-blue
But it's not the same without you
Because it takes two to whisper quietly

The silence isn't so bad
'Til I look at my hands and feel sad
'Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly

I'll find repose in new ways
Though I haven't slept in two days
'Cause cold nostalgia
Chills me to the bone

But drenched in vanilla twilight
I'll sit on the front porch all night
Waist-deep in thought because
When I think of you I don't feel so alone
I don't feel so alone, I don't feel so alone

As many times as I blink
I'll think of you tonight
I'll think of you tonight

When violet eyes get brighter
And heavy wings grow lighter
I'll taste the sky and feel alive again

And I'll forget the world that I knew
But I swear I won't forget you
Oh, if my voice could reach
Back through the past
I'd whisper in your ear
Oh darling, I wish you were here